Our Core Values

We understand how important it is that we hire quality talent. Our core values help us ensure that every one of our coaches share our vision.

Loves to be a Student

At CES, we want coaches who remain curious every day. We hire people who truly embrace the growth mindset and acknowledge that mistakes are part of the learning experience.


True Love for Children

All of our CES coaches love interacting with children and adolescents. They truly want what is best for all students that come through our door. They help because they care.

Loves to be a Teacher

The best part of a CES coaches’ day is seeing the “light bulb” go off for their student. All of our coaches have a true love for the development of others and they acknowledge that we are all in a position to learn and grow.


Works Hard

Our CES coaches work hard. They have unwavering dedication to their students and they are always available.

Kind and Compassionate

All of our coaches follow the “Golden Rule”, treat those as you want to be treated. Our coaches are trained to be great listeners and create a safe space for every student. We are empathetic to all situations and offer our students a clean slate.